Ownership Breakdown

Capital Composition

The following table sets forth the principal holders of Banrisul outstanding common and preferred shares (classes A and B) and their respective shareholdings,

Shareholders ON PNA PNB TOTAL %
State of Rio Grande do Sul 201,225,359 751,479 0 201,976,838 98.13% 54.73% 0.00% 49.39%
Management, Board of Directors and Committee Members 10,306 11 105 10,422 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Others 3,829,176 621,601 202,536,440 206,987,217 1.86% 45.27% 100.00% 50.61%
Total 205,064,841 1,373,091 202,536,545 408,974,477 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Free Float2 3,829,176 621,601 202,536,440 206,987,217 1.87% 45.27% 100.00% 50.61%

Free Float Breakdown

The following table sets forth the amount of shares freely available to the investing public by type and class of shares issued by Banrisul.

Type and Class of Share Shares Not Available to the Investing Public1 Shares Freely Available to the Investing Public2 Total Shares Free Float %
ON 201,235,665 3,829,176 205,064,841 1.87%
PNA 751,490 621,601 1,373,091 45.27%
PNB 105 202,536,440 202,536,545 100.00%
Total 201,987,260 206,987,217 408,974,477 50.61%
PN 751,595 203,158,041 203,909,636 99.63%
1 Comprise State of Rio Grande do Sul and Management shares
2 Total shares issued by Banrisul, excluding those identified in #1, above

Relevant Shareholding

The following table sets forth the relevant shareholding per company‘s share.

Shareholder ON PNA PNB TOTAL %
State of Rio Grande do Sul 201,225,359 751,479 201,976,838 98.13% 54.73% 0.00% 49.39%
Real Investor Asset Management 10,794,700 10,794,700 0.00% 0.00% 5.33% 2.64%
Treasury Stock 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Others 3,839,482 621,612 191,741,845 196,202,939 1.87% 45.27% 94.67% 47.97%
Total 205,064,841 1,373,091 202,536,545 408,974,477 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

Last update: October 10, 2024.

Conversion of Shares

Banrisul‘s former Preferred shares were automatically converted into PNA shares from the creation of two new classes of preferred shares, the PNA and the PNB, in preparation to the public offering that occurred on July 31, 2007, consisting only of PNB shares. The PNA shares can be converted into ON share or PNB share at any time, at the initiative of the shareholder, who has to indicate the number of shares being converted and the new type and class of share.

Click here to follow up share conversions.